A legislative committee in Colorado
has approved a measure that would create a commission to help oversee the title insurance industry and strengthen consumer protections in that state.
The gap between what sellers think their homes are worth and their appraised values is widening.
American Banker
reports that CFPB officials have acknowledged privately that the hyperactive agency is slowing its pace a bit, in order to clear a backlog of existing investigations before opening
any new ones.
The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is doubling down on its position that loans backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not subject to the “super lien” that gives condo
associations priority status over a first mortgage in the collection of past due assessments owed by delinquent owners.
An improving economy and a strengthening labor market could draw more first-time buyers into the housing market. But it is not at all clear that millennials, who represent the
lion’s share of this homebuyer pool, will behave like past generations of homebuyers or trigger the home buying surge on which industry analysts are