Review sites have gained in popularity dramatically over the past several years. Sites like Yelp! and Angie’s List allow customers to track ratings of every imaginable kind of business, from diners and bars to plumbers and car dealerships. Depending on the particular platform, viewers can search various business based on a variety of criteria, be it breakfast hours, wi-fi availability, or service range, in order to help them determine which listing best matches their needs. Ratings have been available for real estate brokerages and individual agents for years already, but not for listings. Largely because nobody is going to write a negative review about their own home, and there hasn’t been any other objective method to measure a home’s value, in terms other than numbers. It’s easy to see how big yard is, what kind of appliances the kitchen has, or what the taxes might be. But there’s been no way to gauge potential “user experience.” Revaluate is trying to change that. They’ve created a dynamic rating system for real estate listings that scores homes based on four primary criteria: expenses, quality of life, environment and safety, with an overall livability score culled from all four. They’re tight-lipped about the scoring process, but the results are interesting, and include fairly robust reports for each address. Check it out here.
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