The Basically Title Webinar Series is a new program specifically designed as a learning platform for anyone involved in the field of title insurance, to avoid that “trial by fire” learning experience that everyone talks about and no one needs to go through.
Join us on July 19th at 1pm EST for:
Business Entities
Presented by: David A. Silverstein
Settlement is scheduled for tomorrow and you just can’t wait to settle! You’ve waited years for this moment and, at settlement, you’ll be given the keys to your long-awaited dream home. But wait . . . suppose your seller, Dream Home, LLC isn’t properly established in accordance with the laws of the state? Suppose one of the members of the entity wanted that particular home for himself and is threatening to sue . . . somebody. Suppose the company has never paid personal property tax and is no longer considered to be a company “in good standing?” Sounds as though we need to know about entities and the procedures and requirements applicable to their ability to buy and sell property. Business Entities . . . another important webinar that is Basically Title.
Register today by visiting: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4016076553592380418