The Basically Title Webinar Series is a new program specifically designed as a learning platform for anyone involved in the field of title insurance, to avoid that “trial by fire” learning experience that everyone talks about and no one needs to go through.
Join us on August 16th at 1pm EST for:
Marriage, Divorce and Real Property
Presented by: Stephen C. Gregory
If marriage is a union of hearts and minds . . . it is also a process through which, in many cases, the ownership of property is shared and the property itself is commingled. If realty is owned by husband and wife, how does that affect the ability of a creditor to enforce a lien against that property? If two people marry, what happens to the property if the couple divorces? And what happens to the property upon the death of the spouse during the course of the marriage? How do wills, separation agreements, and other arrangements work within the context of marriage, divorce and death? There are some basic questions here . . . and we have some basic answers through this important webinar.
Register today by visiting: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/9179070896326202114