The Basically Title Webinar Series is a new program specifically designed as a learning platform for anyone involved in the field of title insurance, to avoid that “trial by fire” learning experience that everyone talks about and no one needs to go through.
Join us on June 8th at 1pm EST for:
Powers of Attorney
Presenter: Debra Davids
A power of attorney is a great tool: the use of a POA enables settlement to take place if one of the parties is unable to be present to physically attend settlement. However, the power of attorney is sometimes used inappropriately and, unfortunately, is often used as a tool by others to cause harm and perpetrate fraud. How do we know that the owner or purchaser actually signed the power of attorney we are looking at? How do we know that the person who shows up at settlement is, in fact, the person named in the instrument as the attorney-in-fact? How do we know that the person who gave the power of attorney was competent at the time he or she signed that power of attorney? These issues are serious and may result in huge loss if not dealt in the proper manner. The use of powers of attorney are basic to the day-to-day business of title insurance . . . so let’s have a look at some of the basic risks, rules and responses.
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