More and more, potential home buyers are turning to their mobile devices to search for real estate. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you are probably losing business. Just imagine yourself in their situation. You’re driving by a house with a for-sale sign out front. It looks like one you might be interested in. You punch in the website listed on the flyer, and then you get some funky mess that you have to try to re-size and it looks all crammed into your little screen. The links are hard to find and there’s no phone number. You think to yourself, “Ah, forget it. I’ll look it up later…” But then later never comes, and that listing agent just missed an opportunity for a showing.
You don’t want to be that agent. Sellers are going to be expecting the best. Is that what you’re offering?
Read more on this over at Inman News. You’ll be glad you did.
The post Is Your Website Optimized for Mobile? appeared first on WFG National Title Insurance Company.