
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has requested comments on the closing process – specifically, how it might be improved.  An article by Joe Drum, WFG’s executive vice president in charge… Read More »

Can mortgage rates predict the Super Bowl winner?  HSH, an analyzer of mortgage data, thinks so.  The company notes that in the divisional playoffs, the team from the city with… Read More »

Some housing analysts have blamed low household formation rates ─ the result off limited job prospects for young adults ─ for scaled-back projections of future home buying demand.  Birth rates… Read More »

Nearly half of all the mortgage defaults occurring during the housing bust would have been avoided had the Qualified Mortgage rules that took effect in January been in effect, a… Read More »

It will take at least another two years for lenders to clear the shadow inventory of non-performing loans, according to Standard & Poor’s.   Although progress has been slower than anticipated,… Read More »

The recent security breach affecting millions of Target customers has re-ignited Congressional interest in legislation to strengthen consumer protections against cyber-crimes.  A bi-partisan measure sponsored by Sens. Tom Carper (D-DE)… Read More »