
You won’t find this in any description of “best practices” for protecting consumer information.   A resident of Plymouth, MA found piles of old documents dumped in a field near his… Read More »

Why didn’t the Obama administration push harder and earlier for broad-based reductions in mortgage debt levels during the financial crisis? Lawrence Summers, former director of the National Economic Council, and… Read More »

Has the 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage outlived its usefulness, or is it still the bedrock of the U.S. housing finance system? Fortune Magazine cites three reasons for keeping it, among them,… Read More »

Conventional wisdom in Washington holds that restructuring of the home finance system is inevitable and will eliminate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. But analysts at Keefe Bruyette & Woods read… Read More »

“An unwarranted intrusion on personal privacy.” That’s how Republican critics are describing a sweeping data collection initiative launched jointly by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Federal Housing… Read More »

Think the new Qualified Mortgage rules and tighter underwriting standards generally have reduced default risks? Think again. A Default Risk Index created by University Financial Associates estimates that mortgages originated… Read More »