
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, an interagency coordinating body for federal banking industry regulators, has issued two statements in the past month cautioning banks and credit unions about cyber-security… Read More »

The buy-vs.-rent calculation, which had shifted in favor of renting during the housing market’s down years, has shifted back again as growing demand for rental units have outstripped the supply.… Read More »

As the housing market has improved, homeowners and appraisers have been moving closer to agreement on housing values. But for most of this year, they have been moving further apart… Read More »

The CFPB has presented five webinars on the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures which answer a number of questions they have received. Those questions and answers are now more easily accessible through… Read More »

The CFPB has asserted broad RESPA enforcement authority in a recent decision significantly expanding the liability of PHH Corporation for accepting “kickbacks” from mortgage insurers. The CFPB upheld an Administrative… Read More »

Location, location, location – doesn’t apply only to real estate values. It also has much to do with your earnings prospects. A recent study found that children who move to… Read More »