While higher interest rates aren’t expected to short-circuit the housing recovery, shortages of builders and construction workers could have that effect. The Census Bureau reports that the number of businesses… Read More »

Location, location, location – doesn’t apply only to real estate values. It also has much to do with your earnings prospects. A recent study found that children who move to… Read More »

Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies provoked that question with a report analyzing the continuing decline in the nation’s home ownership rate. The analysis, in the Center’s annual “State of… Read More »

Analysts have been fretting about the dearth of first-time buyers in the housing market – blaming their absence, in part, for both the somewhat lackluster housing recovery and the continuing… Read More »

“Boomerang” buyers may not provide the “oomph” some housing market analysts have been predicting. A recent study by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) identifies several obstacles likely to prevent… Read More »

Past generations of retirees have scaled back their living space and their housing expenses, but baby boomers don’t appear to be following that pattern. Many of the baby boomers responding… Read More »